Foundation Repair - Estimate / Inspection Granbury, Fort Worth, Dallas, Houston

We provide Granbury, Fort Worth, Dallas, and Houston areas with honest and reliable foundation repair services. While we do provide slab foundation repair, our foundation repair company does specialize in pier and beam foundation repair services.

Affordable Foundation Repair Estimate / Inspection

In our efforts to provide affordable foundation repair services, we still use the best type of foundation piers. The pressed concrete cylinder piers are the best and most affordable pier method for foundation repair.

Secondly, we provide honest inspections and estimate and don't try to sell you piers that are not needed. This keeps the price of foundation repair lower and more affordable.

We also offer a comprehensive guide to installing piers and leveling your home.... The Foundation Repair Guide, and a step-by-step diy book on how to repair foundation settling cracks.... The Brick Repair Guide.

These guides will teach you how to level your house foundation and floors and do your own foundation repair, how to repair foundation settling cracks in the brick mortar, and explain how to match mortar and where you can get mortar matching and custom made mortars for fixing foundation settlement cracks in the brick.

Call for Foundation Repair Estimate / Inspection

We provide Foundation Repair services in: Dallas, Fort Worth, Granbury, and Houston areas

(817) 366-8376

BrokenSlab Foundation Repair Location

*BrokenSlab Foundation Repair*
1525 Corona Dr.
Granbury, TX 76048

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Foundation Repair Estimate / Inspection

Foundation Repair Estimate

Foundation repair estimates are free, but do require an inspection of your house foundation. The inspection report will detail how the foundation has moved and where piers are needed, among other details about the home and soil. With this information and pictures that show the accessibility of work areas, we can provide a free estimate of the cost of foundation repair and leveling.

Foundation Repair Inspection

Foundation inspections start at $1200.00. There is a great deal of time and expense involved in foundation inspections. The foundation inspector and assistant must travel to your home, and generally, spend 1-4 hours taking measurements and readings of your house and foundation in order to detail the size and dimension of the house, where it has moved and how, and to accurately depict the locations of required foundation piers. After collecting all of the measurements for your house, the inspector and assistant return to the office to evaluate the results and determine the best pier design to correct the movement of the foundation. Depending on the size and design of the house and how it has moved, this process can take the rest of the day or more to do correctly. When the report is complete, you can use it to get a comparable estimate from different foundation repair companies.

When comparing estimates for foundation repair, you can't compare apples to oranges. This is why you need the inspection report. You cannot compare price unless the product is the same, and if a foundation repair estimate is different than the report designs, you can ask the foundation repair company to explain why they think it needs to be different so you can make a more informed decision.

These are our rates for foundation inspections, but you are welcome to get a foundation inspection report from a local structural engineer.

Foundation Repair - Pressed Piers

We only install standard pressed concrete cylinder piers. Pressed concrete cylinders are the most durable over time, most affordable piers to install, and are generally the best type of foundation piers for most structures in our area.

Foundation Repair

Foundation repair is the process of lifting, leveling, or stabilizing the foundation with foundation piers or other foundation repair solutions after the foundation settles or moves. Foundation movement and settling occurs when there are changes in the moisture in the soil due to water/sewage leaks or drought conditions, and tend to cause foundation settling cracks to form in the concrete, in the sheetrock, and in the masonry walls. These foundation settling cracks should not be repaired until the foundation repair is complete.

In most foundation repair methods, holes are dug around the concrete foundation allowing the foundation repair crew to install the foundation piers under the house foundation. This is true of most types of piers. After the holes are dug, the foundation piers are pressed into the soil until they reach the point of rejection. The point of rejection is the point where the pier will not press any further into the soil and begins to lift the foundation. At this point, the foundation is lifted to level and shimmed in place to hold the foundation level at the grade. Then the holes for each foundation pier are filled in with the dirt.

After the foundation repair, you can repair the foundation settling cracks. The settling cracks in the brick and mortar will require matching the mortar. To match mortar for mortar repair and brick repair, you need to have the mortar tested. Mortar testing and analysis are used to determine the mortar type and formula. Then a mortar color match can be made, and the exact formula for making a matching mortar. AMR Labs provides mortar analysis, mortar matching, mortar repair products, and brick repair products including bags of custom mortar.